We carry out some main types of apartment repair: complex – we execute the works systematically and in accordance with technology and construction regulations at all stages – pulling down, construction, decoration, installation of engineering systems, electrical installation; major repair  -  finishing and construction works by replacing engineering systems and equipment; repair on a turnkey basis – total of some works, on condition that the area of the apartment is ready when the repair works finish; cosmetic repairs - removal of existing decorative layers and coatings and their replacement with new ones (partial levelling, plastering, wallpapering, painting of walls and ceilings, installation of new floor coverings); minor (selective) repairs - similar to cosmetic repair, but covers the works that are small in area and takes less time (as a rule done by one master).

We also offer you the opportunity to order the primer repair of the apartment. In this case, you can do the surface repair yourself or leave it to us (for example, after a certain period of time needed to complete your family budget).